
Electrical Safety

Elsafe Engineering office


Electrical safety inspection

Lighting protecting inspection

Electricity diagnostics

The EL-SAFE Engineering office

ELectrical SAFEty is essential

The great power of electricity amazes and scares the professionals. People wouldn't think that the electricity is not an unconditional power or service that is available all the time. There are a thousand professionals who work hard day after day for production, delivery and of course for use. The professional who earns the inspector certificate accepts the liability for the safe electricity consumption as well. This is the guiding principle of El-Safe Engineering office. We conduct detailed inspections with up to date professional knowledge and equipment and we can offer solutions to any discovered serious issues immediately.

Don't forget the words of Uncle Ben: "With great power comes great responsibility! "

Service area

We can conduct reviews on South Dunántúl and around the Balaton.

Other engineering services in the whale country.

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